
My name is Omar. I used to be a run of the mill upper middle class Pakistani destined to the standard humdrum fate. This blog is about escaping that fate.

17 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Omar,

    Jalal introduced you and forwarded your blog. I must say, quite intrigued by your story and loved your pieces of art. I am coming down to Islamabd.. Would love to connect.

  2. I LOVE your blog! You tackle on the most timely issues with so such great wit and valour. You have found a fan in me. Totally gonna follow your blog and link it to mine as well, if you don’t mind, of course. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I can’t say “thank you” any better than Khamara did; your sharings move and inspire me. “Lose Yourself” is the post of yours I’m especially working with daily and the words of Khamara’s (above) about you are some I’ll read again to be reminded that “out of the Crazy Collective Consciousness into that other worldly dimension where real sanity prevailsโ€ฆ.the dimension of LOVE โ€ฆ where we are all truly individuals and One at the same time” is the holy ground from which good vibes emanate out into the wondrous Vastness….I thank you both for Sending them, they are being Received. All blessings upon you…

  4. GILZ! I am Mohsun. Long time ago…2004….sleepless nights in publicity of LDS…sketching swastikas…making posters…marlboros and chai. Well…you were one of the few dear ones in giki who I knew will always remember. I am Mohsun. I got your blog link from bumble (mustafa). I am getting married next month inshaAllah, in Lahore (Feb 16th is the day of the walima). I really hope you can make it. My email ID is mohsun@gmail.com.

    Hope you are well buddy. Take great care and remember me in your prayers

    Mohsun Riaz

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